Bugs in the Lilac Blooms

In mid-June this year the two lilac bushes in our yard bloomed profusely. Several different kinds of bugs shared in our enjoyment of the lilac flowers. The photos below show the larger insects in the lilacs. There were more bugs that were too small and fast to photograph. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Papilio glaucus Male …

A Family of Trumpeter Swans

Today we were lucky to see two adult trumpeter swans and their five cygnets very close to the Paul Bunyan bike trail in the Chippewa National Forest. In the videos below the adult swans are seen waddling back and forth apparently stirring up muck from the bottom of the pond. The FAQ page of The …

Jack Pine

Pinus banksiana Three pines are native to North-Central Minnesota, The Red (Norway) Pine, the Eastern White Pine, and the Jack Pine. Jack Pine is somewhat less desirable than the other two, both commercially and aesthetically. However, it successfully exploits its niche as the northern conifer best able to thrive after wildfires. A single Jack Pine …